Grilled Corn Salad with Point Reyes Bay Blue

Grilled Corn Salad with Point Reyes Bay Blue

Grilled Corn Salad with Point Reyes Bay Blue

8 ears fresh corn, husks and silks removed
¼ cup crème fraiche
zest of one lime
juice of two limes
1 tablespoon chili powder
6-8 fresh chives, chopped
4 oz. Point Reyes Bay Blue, crumbled

Place corn on a pre-heated grill over high heat. Grill corn until charred on all sides, turning when needed, about 8 – 10 minutes. Remove corn from grill and let cool to room temperature. Very carefully, cut kernels off the cobs with a sharp knife.

In a small bowl, combine crème fraiche, lime zest, lime juice and chili powder, whisking to combine. Pour over corn and gently toss. Add chives and half of crumbled Bay Blue, and stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Top with remaining Bay Blue and serve.